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to admit one中文是什么意思

用"to admit one"造句"to admit one"怎么读"to admit one" in a sentence


  • 只限一人


  • And they ' re not sure if they want to admit one more
  • And they ' re not sure if they want to admit one more
  • And they ' re not sure if they want to admit one more
  • And they ' re not sure if they want to admit one more
  • My paper is divided into three parts , firstly , introduces one - person company in general , including its conception , characteristics , dividends and relevant terms in other countries ; secondly , illustrates china should establish one - person company system , discusses rationality to admit one - person company from practical and theoretical sides , points out group is not the essence of legal person , mass organization as legal person is a legal person based on person , limited liability of shareholders does not depend on detachedness of ownership and management , admitting one investor to enjoy limited liability will not damage creditors ' profits that much , at last , analyzes why our country should admit one - person company completely ; points out some ideas on how to improve legislation on one - person company in the third part
用"to admit one"造句  
to admit one的中文翻译,to admit one是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译to admit one,to admit one的中文意思,to admit one的中文to admit one in Chineseto admit one的中文to admit one怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。